Email template reverts to older version after making changes

Email template reverts to older version after making changes

Issue: The client experienced a situation where changes made to an Email template were initially visible, but reverted back to the previous version after 30 minutes.

Cause: This issue specifically occurs with "Visual Designer" type templates. These templates have an auto-save feature that automatically saves the email template content every 5 to 7 minutes. However, we have identified a problem when the client has the old email template open in one browser tab and makes changes to it in another tab. When the client saves and publishes the updated template, the system detects the old template open in the other tab and triggers an auto-save action on the old version.

Solution: To avoid conflicts during the save and publish process, please ensure that all other LeadSquared windows within your browser are closed when making changes to an email template.

By following this approach, you can prevent the system from mistakenly auto-saving the old template and ensure that your changes are properly saved and published.