1) Kindly try logging into CTM as you normally would.
2) You would be redirected to the below screen, kindly select the authentication app as your preference:
3) Post-completion of the previous step, you would be directed here:
Kindly use your go-to authenticator app to proceed forward. In order to set-up any of the popular authenticator applications, kindly refer to the attached help documentation:
Having mentioned the Authenticator preferences, we would like to additionally highlight that Call Tracking Metrics recommends Twilio Authy. Please refer to the steps below for the same.
Steps to set up the Authy app:
1) Kindly download the Twilio Authy application on your respective mobile devices. Once the same is done, please complete the initial verification process by using your personal Phone nos. and official email address.
^^Kindly enter your personal Phone number ^^
2) Once the same is done, please select the "+" icon, and keep it ready to scan the QR.
To capture the QR Code, please go to the Twilio Authy app and reproduce the below steps:
1) Kindly select the "+" icon on the homepage as shown in the previous image
2) Please select the QR scanner.
3) Post scanning, kindly exit the search field and select "Generic Logo".
4) Enter Account nickname as <Your LeadSquared id>@CTM.
*Everything until the next step is a one-time process*
Now please enter the currently displaying token on the phone app into the field Authenticator token on your CTM page.
(Optional help documentation to help you: https://authy.com/features/setup/)
Note: The token refreshes every 15 seconds. Please enter the same judiciously to avoid account lockdown.
For any additional clarification, please feel free to reach out to your friendly neighborhood support :)