How to push CFS Fields(non-Filetype) for Opportunity? | API

How to push CFS Fields(non-Filetype) for Opportunity? | API

>> In Opportunity I am trying to insert fields within a field set. I tried replicating the solution for Leads section as provided in the API Docs page but getting error. 

To do that, please retrieve the schema names using the steps and descriptive screenshots below; 

2) Go to the respective CFS;

3) Post retrieving the CFS Core Schemas, click on Edit to retrieve sub-field schemas;

4) Voila! You should now be having access to the necessary schema names; 

Sample cURL:
cURL Request:
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"ProspectOpportunityId": "8194e5da-a7de-4348-bbc3-9275281cea89",
"OpportunityNote": "Update note",
"Fields": [
"SchemaName": "mx_Custom_1",
"Value": "test saideeo"

                "SchemaName": "mx_Custom_42",  
                "DisplayName": "Dates",
                "Fields": [


                        "SchemaName": "mx_CustomObject_1",

                        "Value": "2024-04-16 15:13:44"





Please use the above cURL as a reference to build your API body and hope that helps!