FAQ: Portals
Field values not getting reflected on the Portal
Issue Description: The values of a field updated on the form are not reflected in the portal. Reason: This is a caching issue. To fix it, we need to reconfigure the form in the portal and republish the portal. Example: We add a new value to a ...
Dynamic form submission captured twice against the lead from portal
Issue Description: Student submitted the form twice resulting in lead stage going back to the previous stage. Reason: This occurs when the student open up the form in multiple tabs and filling the same form from different tab. To avoid this, we can ...
Issue Description: Unable to publish the portal to test environment. Reason: Forms are not added in all the pages of the portal. Solution: Deploy Form/Process in all the pages with form block of the Portal then only the portal can be published to ...
Getting 'Cannot open duplicate tabs' error message in Portal?
Issue: There is an issue with the customer portal, where after inserting OTP and selecting the option of 'Apply Now' gets an error as mentioned below for the mentioned case. Solution: This is an expected behavior, if the Portal is already open in one ...